what are the symptoms of codependency

5 Telling Symptoms of Codependency in An Addicted Relationship

Codependency has long been associated with substance addiction. In fact, as Scientific American points out, “the term ‘codependent’ was first used to describe how family members of individuals with substance abuse issues might actually interfere with recovery by overhelping.” 5 Telling Symptoms of Codependency in An Addicted Relationship Since its founding then, codependency has had…

The growing opioid epidemic

Southern Colorado Emerges as State’s Main Victim of Growing Opioid Epidemic

Opioids are some of the deadliest, most addictive substances on the market today. While they can be used in moderation to help relieve pain in the short-term, many patients end up abusing opioids and eventually turning to other opioids like heroin, infamous for its grueling addiction, withdrawals, and lethality. However, prescription opioids can be just…