marijuana use and your personal losses

New Research Shows that Marijuana Use Can Equal a Loss of Connection in Your Personal Life

Recent research has linked marijuana abuse with certain mental disorders and issues. There’s a strong correlation between pot use and psychosis and negative emotionality. This correlation is strongest among those who started cannabis use at an early age. Young adults are most vulnerable. Unfortunately, many young adults can easily get their hands on marijuana, and…

how is buspirone a different anti anxiety medication

How Is Buspirone Different From Other Anti-Anxiety Meds?

How Is Buspirone Different From Other Anti-Anxiety Meds? Largely because it uses a different chemical process, Buspirone is a much safer alternative to some other anti-anxiety drugs. However, it is not entirely safe, especially with regard to issues like Buspar addiction. These risks obviously vary among different individuals. Some people experience tremendous results from Buspar…